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Our Faith Journey (Part 6): Peanut allergy healed!

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Yes! It's true! To read how we got to this point, start from the beginning. If you missed Part 5, you can find it here.

Peter and John had it.

Sheri and Ty had it.

What did they have?

They had power. They had the power of the Holy Spirit.

The power of the Holy Spirit is what healed Jason's leg. It's what healed my heart.

In Acts 1:8 Jesus says,

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

Sheri and Ty had certainly witnessed to us about the love and power of Jesus! This power was not just for the disciples of Jesus' day. Could it be that this was what Jesus intended for us all along? That not only will He give us the power to witness, but the demonstration of His power IS the witness?

It all began to make sense. It's exactly what Jesus did, when He ministered on earth.

So why was Jason's leg healed? Why did God heal at this time, but we hadn't seen it any other time in our lives?

I wish I knew.

But what I DID know was that this was not new to Shery and Ty. They saw healing A LOT. They saw God answer their prayers supernaturally ALL THE TIME.

This was a lifestyle for them.

Remember Ty's response after Jason's leg grew?

Well, dang it, I wanted to learn how to pray like this. I wanted the supernatural in MY LIFE too.

I wanted to believe it, even if I didn't see it.

Sheri and Ty taught us how to study the Word. When we read scripture, we would make three columns. We were to write down, what does this scripture say about God? What does it say about who I am in Christ? What do I have now, through the Holy Spirit?

We were finding through scripture that God's will IS his Word. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus IS God. He is the EXACT IMAGE of God. If we want to know God's heart, we must look at Jesus.

Sheri told me to look up every time in scripture where Jesus performed a miracle or healed someone. Did He ever turn anyone away?

Did he?

NO. Jesus healed ALL who came to him.

Seriously! Go read for yourself! (You can read about Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

If Jesus didn't turn anyone away who wanted healing, and Jesus is God, then why would we think God would turn us away?

They pointed us to Jesus' words in John 10:10.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Anything that steals, kills or destroys is not from God, under our new covenant through Jesus!

They pointed us also to what He said in Luke 10:19.

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.

Because of Jesus, we have authority over any of the works of the devil in our life. We have authority over anything that steals, kills or destroys.

They pointed us back to that list of curses in Deuteronomy 28:15-68.

All of those nasty curses: poverty, disease, pestilence, inflammation, blight and mildew....

ALL of them: Jesus took them for us on the CROSS. He became these curses, the curse of the Law, FOR US. (see Galatians 3)

So we wouldn't have to.

His death did not just pay for our salvation. He gave us SO MUCH MORE. (Hint: look up the word sozo, the word for salvation in the Greek language)

My oldest daughter Kate was about 18 months old at that time. We had gone on a double date with some friends, and their daughter, Amy, kept our kids for us. It was a great set up, actually! But during that evening, Kate had gotten hold of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She had not tried peanut butter yet in her young life.

Within minutes of eating, her face, lips and ears had swollen up considerably, and she had broken out in a rash all over her face, down her neck and belly, and under her arms.

Thankfully, this was a family of spirit-filled, tongue-talkin', Holy Ghost walkin' believers. They believed in the power of prayer. When we got home, Amy was holding Kate, praying over her!

Amy said the swelling had actually been much worse. The swelling had gone down while she was PRAYING.

Now THAT's the kind of babysitter everyone should have!!

By the time we got home, the swelling had gone down completely. We watched her throughout the night, and we were able to get in to her doctor next day.

The rash had gone down considerably by the time we got there. She was happy, she was not itchy or irritated or swollen or sick. The doctor gave us a script for epi-pens, which are shots for epinephrine in the case of emergency like the night before. The doctor then explained how we would have to take all these precautions. That based on our description of what had happened, this was a serious case. She would have to deal with this her whole life. To suffer. Our lifestyles would have to change completely, to accomodate this.

In other words, we would have to submit to this peanut allergy.

Little did Doc know, that we had BEEN with Jesus. We spoke to the HEALER everyday. I took Jesus at His word. I had authority over this, because He gave it to me.

The Holy Spirit led me back to the curses in Deuteronomy 28.

Inflammation, blight and mildew..... ALLERGIES!!

Jesus took the curse of allergies on the cross, ya'll!

I wrestled with this for about a week. I didn't want this for my daughter. I didn't want her to suffer. I didn't want to live in fear. I wanted her healed of allergies. And from what I am reading, I believed Jesus wanted her healed too. In fact, He had ALREADY provided healing for her! 2000 years ago!

I prayed over her. In English and in tongues.

I got a spoon and dipped it in peanut butter. Not just a little. I mean, a BIG OLE SPOON.

I thought, either I believe this, or I don't.

Either God is true, or He's a liar. I'm about to find out.

I gave Kate the spoon......

and nothing happened. Absolutely NOTHING!!

"Yummy, Mommy!"

I waited some more.


An hour passes after she ate the spoonful of peanut butter.



I felt, for the first time, the power of God for myself.

I was an overcomer!

Revelation 12:10-11 says,

Now the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ, have come. For the accuser of our brothers (and sisters!) has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives, even unto death.

The blood of the Lamb...the finished work of Jesus on the cross!

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I overcame something I never imagined I could before.

And the story doesn't end here, folks.


THIS was only the beginning!!


To read the next chapter, Part 7 Book of Miracles, click here.

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